Approach to Sustainability Disclosures

The annual Sustainability Report is a source of diverse information on the TOPPAN Group’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives as a channel for transparent, timely, appropriate, and accessible disclosures to TOPPAN stakeholders of every type, from customers and shareholders to investors and business partners. We would like the report to enhance engagement with stakeholders by deepening their understanding of our sustainability approaches and initiatives around the world. The report is posted on the website of TOPPAN Holdings.

Period Covered

This report mainly covers activities in fiscal 2022 (from April 2022 to March 2023), though social, environmental, and governance information on prior and later years is also included.

Scope and Boundary

Toppan Inc. and its entities consolidated for accounting purposes. For details on the scope of the social and environmental performance data, see the “List of Indicators Assured by an Independent Assurance Provider”.

Guidelines Referenced

・International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 26000 standards
・Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: The standards we have referred to are listed in the “Global Reporting Initiative Content Index”.
・Environmental Reporting Guidelines (fiscal year 2018 version) issued by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan
・Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) working under the Financial Stability Board

Group and Company Names

“The TOPPAN Group” or “TOPPAN” (“the Group”)
  • The collective name of the TOPPAN Group after transition to a holding company structure
  • Includes TOPPAN Holdings Inc. and the operating companies of TOPPAN Inc. (new entity), TOPPAN Edge Inc., TOPPAN Digital Inc., and other TOPPAN Group companies.
  • In reports on approaches, promotion frameworks, policies, systems, activity results, performance data, and so on, the activities conducted by Toppan Inc. (previous entity) are described as the activities of “TOPPAN” or of the “TOPPAN Group” if they cover the entire Group.
We use TOPPAN Group” and “TOPPAN” for convenience in this report, even though the “Period Covered” predates the Company’s transition to a holding company structure.
“Toppan Inc.” (“the Company”)
  • Refers to the entity known as “Toppan Inc.” before the transition to a holding company structure.
  • Expressed as “Toppan Inc.” or “the former Toppan Inc.” in this report to distinguish it from TOPPAN Inc. (with “TOPPAN” in all uppercase letters), one of the three operating companies established after the transition to a holding company structure.
  • Used when precise figures are required in the reporting of performance data, results, external submissions, etc.
Note and Disclaimer on Future Outlooks

Statements on future matters are based on our assessments at the time of publication. Actual results may differ from forward-looking statements due to shifts in social trends and other factors.